Federation with OneLab
In February 2010, the two experimental facilities German-Lab and OneLab federated by signing a Memorandum of Understanding. "The federation with OneLab is an important step towards experimentally driven Future Internet research because it facilitates large-scale experiments in heterogeneous environments" explained Professor Tran-Gia (Coordinator of G-Lab). In fact, the Internet of today is composed of a large set of different components and this won't change in the future. Consequently, federated experimental facilities are required to provide more realistic environments for research experiments. In addition, the Memorandum of Understanding includes programs for student exchange and research collaborations. In this way, it fosters the dissemination of knowledge between the experimental facilities. The OneLab experimental facility is a federation of testbeds, and this partnership with German-Lab will give G-Lab members access to several testbeds that are included within this facility, including PlanetLab Europe, NITOS, and the ETOMIC measurement infrastructure.