01.07.2009 13:36 Age: 5 yrs
By: Admin
By: Admin
G-Lab Statusseminar on July 28th and July 29th in Würzburg
G-Lab Statusseminar in cooperation with the EuroView
9th Würzburg Workshop on IP:
Joint ITG and EuroNF Workshop
"Visions of Future Generation Networks"
July 27th - July 28th 2009
Würzburg, Germany
Invited talks by
- Chip Elliott (project director of GENI)
- Hisashi Kobayashi (Prof. Emeritus Princeton University, executive advisor NICT)
G-Lab Statusseminar will take place on July 28th in form of
- 2 G-Lab Sessions with 8 talks in total
- G-Lab Demo Sessions with about 8 demos
An internal G-Lab meeting will be held on July 29th.